Monday, October 14, 2019

Walking by Faith and not by Sight

This is one principle that is hard to abide with and harder still to obey. I am called again to walk by faith. Nothing seems to clear on the horizon. In 24 hours' time, I have to make decisions that will determine the course of my life for 2020. Starting the 3rd decade of the 21st century by faith is a good omen. Entrusting oneself to God, not knowing where one is to go (Abraham) but still obeys and follows Christ is what delights God's heart for without faith it is impossible to please Him (Hebrews 11).
I have one College in West Malaysia waiting for my answer whether I could offer an intensive course in 2020 or 2021. I would love to preach in Singapore's churches again, especially so if I got my book published and can promote it as the same time. The New Zealand's offer of one-month writing scholarship will be decided upon within 24 hours. The promotional fares to Auckland in the past few days are selling fast. I need to opt in tomorrow or the next day to save SGD200 or 300 dollars. It is time to walk by faith.

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