Saturday, September 21, 2013

The Loneliness of the Just One (Psalm 1)

This is the title of an essay I read from a book called, In the Shadow of Your Wings: New Readings of Great Texts from the Bible ed. Norbert Lohlink. There are many quotable quotes: "...the single person who is called happy, the one who has made a different life decision, appears almost as an example of great worth because of its rarity....the one who has decided against the dominant world of perception."

"The Psalter is not for everyone. It is for people who have already experienced an exodus. They have already rejected the maxims of the dominant world of meaning that are followed by so many. They have already recoiled in horror from the prospect of going the accepted way, acting like everyone else. Still less have they entered the circle of those who produce the governing theory of the world - for scoffing is one of the most effective means to set society apart from others and against those who deviate from it." (pp. 93-94).

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