Monday, January 27, 2020

Borne by Cherubim & Seraphim

If I ever needed assurance of God's presence, it was yesterday. After 36 hours of extreme pain, I did not think I could even settle myself down to preach yesterday. Thank God that it was a combined service and not two services as some members returned to their villages for the Lunar New Year holidays whether they are ethnic Chinese or not. The Scripture is true that as we are afflicted and as we suffer, we are also comforted and consoled. I did not have a single day break for the Chinese New Year except that I missed the Friday night's prayer meeting for the reunion dinner. The first day of the New Year was given to relaxation and after breakfast I actually bumped into a couple of lion troupes and witnessed some incredible lion dance. I put into my Status Update that at least this kind of lion does not bite, not like some human beings who bite with their tongues filled with deceit, trickery and violence. "Deliver me from lying lips, O Lord".

So whole day Saturday I meditated on what I was going to preach on Sunday and it was an early start before 5am for the 9am service. We started a few minutes' late and I got to preach at 9.55am, and ended my sermon at 10.45 with the Chairman's benediction and reciting the Lord's Prayer. Almost all the leaders came to me and thanked me, always a good sign, this being my 4th Sunday with them, and a third Sunday that I had mounted the pulpit. But who is adequate for all these? If not for God who gives us strength. When we sang, "Way Maker", I saw visions of God powerfully impressed in my spirit. The throne of God borne by cherubim and seraphim with 6 wings, 2 to cover their heads and 2 to cover their feet and two other wings to fly. As we worship God, His presence is enthroned in our midst (Tuhan bersemayam atas pujian umatNya). I preached one powerful message. Never a moment did I feel it was long-winded; it seemed only minutes but borne along by God's mighty Spirit and his angelic beings, I rose to the occasion and everyone was blessed under the presence of Shekinah glory and sheltered under God's wings. Or was it the seraphims'? Perhaps the prophets saw God having wings, but actually God was lifted up in his throne by his mighty cherubim and seraphims. He goes as He wishes and He calls us to follow Him.

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