Saturday, August 21, 2021

In Abundance and in Want (Phil 4:12)

I know how to abound and I know how to live in want, so says Paul, the apostle in Phil 4:12. It would be mean that there would be times that Paul had access to funds and lived rather comfortably. But more often than not, Paul was living in humble circumstances, or by faith so to speak as he would not know where the next gift or funding would come. Amazingly, God has been faithful to His promise to me and only in the 8th year of being back in Sabah that I could see clearly the great works of God. Not that I have much abundance but it was God’s fulfilment of His promise to me that He would bless me if I returned to Sabah. I suppose it is God’s way of saying that He was not restricted to work miracles of financial blessings in Singapore but works marvelously also in Sabah, despite Sabah being rated having 5 or 6 times less per capital income than Singapore’s.

In fact, to experience prosperity in Singapore is not much of a miracle, though it is nothing to trifle with since all wealth comes through hard work by Singaporeans and the wise leadership of Singapore’s government. In terms of miracles, experiencing financial prosperity in Sabah is a blessing and a miracle in the actual meaning of the word. God can multiply fishes until boats would sink at the weight of the catch, or Jesus multiplying loaves of bread until 5,000 men ate until they were filled with 12 baskets full extra. I remember thinking to myself about the good financial management of my former College in Singapore when its Principal probably needed to raise 500,000 a year since nearly 2 million is guaranteed by wealthy mainstream denominations. Try raising 500,000 a year in Sabah and that would be a miracle and that’s what I experienced as Treasurer of SIB where 70 per cent of the funding was raised by faith or that only God knows that His people’s needs were to be met through His divine favour. I reflected on God’s blessings in my life now. But soon enough I will have to give up many things. When God says “sell” I will sell. Even owning one car might be a luxury, but provided we are not tied to things or materialism for we use the things of the world and that the form of the world is passing away but he who does the will of God shall live forever. It is God who provides for us according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus even as we pray “give us today our daily bread”. Amen.

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