Saturday, November 12, 2022

Preaching Every Month since May 2022

It's hard to relax until the book is out end of next week, God willing. I went early to Inanam, one of my popular spots and had breakfast. I had gotten the A5 pdf ready and it will go to the printers on Monday and hopefully the A5 version will be ready by end of November or latest first week of December. I can relax for a couple of weeks, before I will have to start preparing for my Christmas messages. The end of the year comes so quickly in no time this year. At the beginning of the year, it all looked so bleak as I just left my pastorate for some human-made rule. Only the wicked make rules by decree and not let go even when things return to normal. But I did not have to wait very long. By early April, the government announced the endemic phase of the pandemic and all rules were practically over by 1st May which was more than six months ago.

I thank the Lord that He is found faithful and what He promised He would carry out. I heard a still small voice in April that when I was allowed entry into a public meeting once more, I would preach every month. Even after my initial May's sermon in Ranau (the first in almost a year before a live audience), I thought perhaps it was just my own voice or imagination. 

At the last Sunday of June, as I was driving up to Ranau for an intensive course at my former College, I stopped to worship at the Tamparuli church. I did not expect to preach at all as no one knew I was coming. Into the second last song, the pastor looked back and he saw me and after a few seconds, he walked up to me and asked whether I could take his place to preach that Sunday. I would have said no if not for God's promise that I would preach every month for the rest of the year from May onwards. Yes, I did preach with 5 mins' preparation and the sermon must have gone down pretty well as a month or so after that they invited me to speak at their Christmas services but I had to turn it down for a previous engagement. Then, I preached last Sunday being the first Sunday of November and if I preach next month, then God's promise would be fulfilled that I would preach at least once every month of 2022. 

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