Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Free from everyone, Slave to All

This year has another 33 days before the New Year comes. But what I could celebrate and am celebrating is the fact that I am free from all men, yet making myself a slave to all in order to serve everyone freely. Sometimes it is important to listen to the common people. As in the past month I have been busy getting my book printed I managed to chat with one of my printers and she said something profound. “When you don’t work for money, you can speak the truth.”

How true. Imagine the apostles of old. I doubt for a second they worried about their pay cheque. Sure they needed money to survive like everyone else but they looked to God, their provider. Hence, they could proclaim truth as they saw fit. But nowadays people are afraid. Pastors are afraid to lose their jobs or sent to the utmost parts of the earth. Now my title, “Pst” is even questioned let alone “Reverend” as some were appointed. I laughed to myself the machinations of men and their sins would be found out. I don’t preach because I have a title, “pastor” or “Dr.” but I preach because I am called of God, anointed by His Spirit and anyone who opposes me does not oppose me but God who sends me. If someone comes in his own name, they will accept him, but Jesus says I have come in my Father’s Name and you have rejected Me. Now I am free. People can listen or not listen. They can give a love offering or not give a love offering. But when I speak, they will know that they have heard the word of the Lord whether they will accept it or not.

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