Thursday, August 8, 2024

Works are Burned Up (1 Cor 3:15)

How awful and terrible it would be if one finds that for his whole life he thought he served the Lord and found out on Judgment Day that all his works are burned up, and his soul is scarcely saved. God is merciful that it would be his last resort to consign someone to the fires of hell, but God is also just. He will not overlook injustice and all kinds of human schemes even among Christians and so-called Christian leaders which they commit in his name, or so they thought. But at the end, all their works are burned up due to their works being found wanting.

Preaching without love; oppressing their subordinates and acting unjustly in many situations. They think their tongues belong to themselves and God does not hear. They slander God's children and their fellow pastors and servants of Christ. So at the end their works are burned up. For want of love, they serve out of selfish motives, basically their rice bowls instead of seeking God's kingdom and his righteousness and believing that God will add all these things to them. They act with pride and speak against the heavens. Sure, as Jesus said, some will not make it at all as Matthew 7:21 says, "many on that day will call to me, Lord, Lord and claim they have done this and that in His name" but Jesus says to them, "Depart from Me for I never knew you." If they had known the Lord, they would not have acted the way they did with pride and injustice fills their hearts. They say one thing but do another. In short, they are hypocrites. Some will be saved but all their works are burned up; some might not make it altogether which is the most frightening of them all.

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