Monday, August 5, 2024

Writing & Inspiration

All my five Malaysia-published books are selling well. Last Saturday I sold 7 books to two buyers, in all three regions of Malaysia, Sabah, Sarawak and KL in Semenanjung. One buyer must have sponsored two of the books to her pastor or former pastor. Bless her heart. My London & New York published book on John's Revelation is found in over 200 libraries in the world and the second printing is out of print and it now costs over USD250.00 to source a copy. My books are selling well because the books meet needs of the readers. I only published if I am satisfied with the writing and its contents. It must be ground-breaking or least give substantial spiritual input to the readers. Ground-breaking, by God's grace, like my commentary on the Song of Songs. You can ask my 14 students last Semester on that.

All my books only cost RM40.00 each. I bought a book on the life of Austin Farrer as a birthday present. He was an Oxford Don, a preacher and a Revelation scholar. It costs me RM97.00 for that little book. So when you can a read a commentary on John's Gospel, or Galatians or the Song of Songs for RM40.00 it is extremely reasonably priced since all things have gone up. My favourite Instant Nescafe has gone up by 30% in three or four years, yet I try to retain the selling price of my books at RM40.00 each for now. 

Writing is an inspiration from the Lord as the Psalmist says that his pen is a like a ready scribe (Psalm 45). Or like Solomon given wisdom by the Lord arranges and finds words like goads given by one shepherd (Eccles 12). Today I wrote nothing although I tried to. Nothing worthwhile came to mind. Two days ago, I wrote almost 3,000 words in a day, a whole chapter. I am praying for inspiration to complete a semi-biographical book on my ministry. When people say that the book called, "Departure Points" was a memoirs, I digress because none of it contains any of my upbringing and childhood with the first chapter preparation for ministry for my theological education. It is a book on my spiritual walk with God an account of my full-time ministry among the indigenous peoples of Sabah with one chapter on my Singapore's sojourn. Well, the Malay version "Anak Panache" is different again. It is partly my memoirs as I will include some of my childhood and life at school through University mainly to encourage my targeted audience to work hard in their studies from young, master English, learning the STEM subjects until Form 6 if possible and then choose a subject or course that one likes during University. And then, studying theology is the queen of the sciences, the pinnacle of all academic endeavours.

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