Saturday, August 31, 2024

Two Months On

Two-third of the year is gone. There are only 66 days to US Presidential Election on Tuesday 5th November. This year has been exciting as two great Western nuclear powers had had their elections with US the super power nation coming soon. My work is to watch and pray as an intercessor called by the Lord. It's been two months since I ended my service as lecturer. I have been writing full-time though there are days and weeks that I could not get much done. But overall I am pleased with my progress with about 64,000 words done on my memoirs in Malay. I am writing the entire book afresh and not translating from my English "Departure Points".

The current book is a bit disorderly, and I need to come up with a plot or flowing narrative like the Departure Points which by God's grace received many good commendations. Even three or four of my former adult students were blessed by them. One of them came across Departure Points in a bookshop in town and purchased it. These readers are pastors and church leaders who are in their 40s and 50s and I believe they gained much by reading Departure Points. I want to make it more comprehensive compared to Departure Points published almost five years ago. 

My second volume on John's Gospel 13-21 has gotten off the ground as I finished writing about 8,000 words on John 13. There are eight more chapters to go with a final long chapter on the theology of John's Gospel from beginning to end. It may be going for 70,000 words about the same as the first volume and if I combine them both, it will be a book close to 500 pages, something which I am not sure is sellable since my target audience is the village folks who read Malay. But I hope the youths will take up the challenge, though I see a majority of them have no interest in reading. Though I sold 5 books (4th time selling in the same church) last Sunday, still I felt that many more youths should be eager to read books that will enrich them theologically and spiritually. Whether I can get anything published at the end of the year seems far-fetched as I have much to do with my memoirs which I might not publish for a year or two or more.

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