Monday, August 26, 2024

Feast of Tabernacles 2024

In about 7 weeks we will come to the Feast of Tabernacles. I re-read some of my instagram posts last year which I posted during the 2023's Sukkot or Tabernacles. I had an amazing holidays in New Zealand, the best I ever had since I set foot in NZ in 1982. On 55th day the Lord saved me on 24th April 1982.  But last year I went to visit my son, although he did not expect me to make the trip I thought I must as he was preparing for his wedding and I wanted to be there for him when he needed to ask anything. The Lord was great as I prayed for a smooth flight as I am not a good traveller. The whole 10-hour flight had no turbulence incident whatsoever. It was so smooth I thought I was travelling on land, even roads in Sabah are bumpier.

I met first my good friend who has been a Baptist pastor for more than 28 years now. When he knew that I was starting a new job, knowing me he said, "Tony you are going to live out of a suitcase." I wish I heeded his advice and did not move so many things into my College's apartment and it took me at least 14 trips, whole of two weeks to clear my things out. 

Then by chance I met my doctoral supervisor at the Auckland Airport while going through security. We chatted for more than an hour over coffee as his flight to Melbourne was also delayed. "Tony, how long are you going to teach at the Seminary?" he asked. "In Sabah there is no such thing as long term." I replied. I thought he understood and we left it at that. Sure enough in less than 5 months at work, I already tendered my resignation giving 8 months' notice to the Seminary and I moved back to my home two months ago. It was quick but it was long drawn out last Semester. 

But as the Feast of Tents teaches us, we have to be ready to live in tents and move from one place to another as the Lord leads. The Feast of Tabernacles/Tents (Sukkoth) is the third and greatest feast in Israel's calendar. It teaches us that our permanent home is not on this earth and not in stone or bricks dwellings, but our dwelling is in the city of God, a city built by God himself that is eternal and we will call it home once we reach there. 

There is only one way. Jesus told his disciples, "you know the way there". The way is through Jesus Christ, through our faith in Christ, living in obedience as we live our lives on earth. As the saying goes those who touch down on Mount Zion with the Lamb (Rev 14:1-2) are those who have followed the Lamb wherever He goes. Have you done so? Or have you followed your own ways? 

Yesterday during lunch with the church leaders, one elder said to me twice "Panggilan khusus kan, Pastor? (A specific calling, Pastor isn't it?) Yes, I replied twice. I think he was encouraged to see me still in the ministry despite the many difficulties in the way. In fact, he said what if it was just human desire or strength? as a general question, not questioning my commitment. I told him I know a few people who have gone into the ministry. Just a couple of years or at most 5 years, then they are gone. No more in the ministry. Those whom God has called He made to persevere, not that we have no volition or will in this matter, but we have to say like Jesus "Not mine will but Thine be done, O God".

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