Sunday, August 4, 2024

Waiting on the Lord

The modern world does not wait. Almost everything is instant. People are always in a hurry. But waiting on the Lord is a spiritual discipline. When there is nothing happening, but only hanging on to hope and waiting silently for the salvation of God. Waiting on the Lord also means praying, something fervently and intensely like wrestling with an angel, sometimes whispering or speaking quietly within one's heart, murmuring and muttering before the Lord. Our eyes are set on You, O Lord until You have mercy on us and deliver us from those who are too strong for us.

Waiting seems weak, waiting seems futile, but like the Psalmist says, "I waited patiently for the Lord. and he inclined unto me and heard my cry" (Psalm 40:1). Today at the door of the church hall, an elder asked me whether I had received my appointment. I told him, "Not yet." It seems to happen with some regularity, this business of waiting. It's been 9 months since I made known my wish to return. When I was in Singapore, I wrote in March and received my appointment in November, so 8-9 months to a year is normal in my case. This time as I am determined to wait on the Lord. For my God will hear me from his holy heaven and deliver me once more.

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