Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Pastoring a rural church in Ranau (31st Dec 2014 to 31st Mac 2016)

Lord I can only praise Your glory for Your marvellous works in my life. I pastored a Ranau church (2015-2016) in a rural setting for 15 months before being moved to our denomination’s College 20 mins’ drive from Ranau. Within two weeks I fell ill and went to seek treatment in the Hospital and took antibiotics for five days. But I don’t remember ever missing Sunday service due to illness perhaps once during the mid week church service. It was a test and a trial for me as I encountered cold weather first up from the high 20s at night in KK to 18 to 19 degree celcius in Ranau in the first couple of months of the year. Then I also suffered from allergy and running nose almost every morning but 30 minutes before I had to ascend to the pulpit it would stop as if nothing had happened and I was seen in the pink of health by my church members. Despite weaknesses of my many bodily ailments God’s power and grace was manifested as almost every Sunday I had to preach two different sermons in two Sunday morning services. At the end I probably preached 100 times full sermons not counting short devotions in leaders’ or prayers meetings. Who is adequate for it all? 

Even during the pandemic when I pastored a church in KK it was non stop preaching or bible teaching, rain or shine, lockdown or no lockdowns, Covid-19 or whatever plagues may come I never stopped working for the Lord and His church. Irony of ironies during the pandemic over nearly three years I never got sick, I was healthy as a cow chewing out food and spiritual nourishment to all and sundry.

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