Saturday, February 1, 2025

Church’s Mission and Outreach

I devoted one session in the leaders’ retreat last Thursday to discuss the church’s mission and outreach, first in our Jerusalem/Kota Kinabalu and our Judea (Sabah). We prayed in our final session as we sought God’s will. Just two days on I felt I know the answer as to where we are going. First I met an elder and church chairman and he invited me to visit his church anytime and soon and in his words “this year”.

I also texted another elder to ask him about another elder who is turning 80 years old as I wanted to spring a surprise, perhaps visiting Ranau as now I know of his birthday in the coming month. He was one elder who really cared for my interests, my salary and he was one who reminded the Treasurer often to withdraw money from bank to pay me. For 15 months the church paid me in cash every time. 

So I plan to attend his birthday, God willing. That might also settle our mission in Samaria as Ranau is two hours’ drive away and next year in July I plan to visit Alutok the farthest village I had been to preach to commemorate my 30th anniversary of the series of revival meetings in 1996. For 2027 it is pretty sure we are visiting Indonesia’s new capital most likely there will be a direct flight there from Kota Kinabalu in two years’ time, God willing. 

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