Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Under Authority

One of the famous passages in the Gospels is the story of the Roman centurion who told Jesus not to come to his house but that Jesus would just speak the word. The reason given is that just as the Roman centurion exercises authority over his subordinates and they carry out his commands, he reasoned that Jesus as the Messiah and Lord also possesses authority that He could command and things shall be done accordingly. I have learned to serve under authority.
If my HQ leaders asked me to do something I would do it unless I have a very good reason not to do so. Just this past month, I had to speak at the Pastors' Conference and Elders' Seminar respectively. All in all, these 4 sessions took me a whole month in preparation so much so I am behind in my lectures preparation. Thankfully, two of my courses only start next week when the Year 3 students return to College at the conclusion of their 2-month field work.

Last Friday I was asked by my Principal to represent the College at a Theological Consultation held in Indonesia. For three days I struggled and prayed whether I should go at such short notice but at the end I decided that I needed to do my part as a faculty member and colleague even as one under authority. Only this morning I completed my bookings, flights and stopovers.

To follow the lead of others and to serve under authority is not easy at times but I was mightily encouraged to meet a pastor-evangelist who attended the Elders' Seminar 2 weeks ago and not for the first time as it happened in the Pastors' Conference, he commended on my boldness and willingness to answer the questions of the participants and not try to evade responsibility. But I only serve under authority and my opinions can only worth as much by the grace of God.

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