Thursday, September 10, 2020

My War Horse

Suddenly today the thought of selling my double-cap Triton 4 by 4 came to me so much so that I called the Borneo Post to inquire about putting up an advertisement under "Car for Sale". My car has been my war horse for nearly 6 years since November 2014. Where would I be and where have I gone or not gone if not for my war horse? I had been into at least 50 villages in the past 6 years, together with the 70 villagers which I ministered in 25 years earlier, the total now must exceed 120 villages. I realized that at least 10 villages that I had preached in had not been included in my book, "Departure Points". Well, I had always planned for a 2nd edition down the road (God willing, in 15 years' time). It will be sad if I have to part way with my car that had served me so well.

With it, I had gone into Salarom Taka and Kaingaran, two of the farthest SIB outposts. But maintenance costs pile up with a change of timing belt plus servicing costing a month's salary. Though I may not need to change the timing belt for another 5 or 6 years (God willing) it is a question whether I really need the 4-wheel drive, now that I am based in Kota Kinabalu. I travel less nowadays but I still have to travel. In fact my former College in Namaus wanted me to teach more courses but I politely declined, only agreeing to one paper a Semester, even that is subject to change. Most of SIB churches are still in the interior, so if I should want to serve these churches, albeit occasionally I may still need to hold on to my car. Sabah's roads going into the rural villages are not in the best of conditions, and having a car with good ground clearance with 4-wheel drive can be a life saver.  

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