Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Research Leave

For the past 5 days I had been fully occupied in getting my application ready for some research scholarship which allows use of libraries over 10 weeks. What could be more enticing? When I was finishing my doctoral study at St John's College, Auckland where I was based for 10 weeks I wrote that "it was like heaven on earth" staying within 50 metres of the library.

Now this could be my last chance because I don't think I want to apply for any more scholarship when one turns 60. Nonetheless in the past few years I had hit a purple patch in terms of writing and lo and behold I had managed to get three books out in 30 months. After the exertions of this present application, I will return to my writing of a commentary on Galatians. Who is adequate for all these? I am so encouraged by the feedback I got from both my John's Gospel commentary in Malay and also Departure Points. I trust by His mercies I shall be productive like Solomon given extraordinary wisdom to write. He wrote three books and I am one up already, by God's grace.

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