Friday, May 3, 2024

Touch & Go

It is touch and go whether I will attend the second last Thursday assembly next Thursday. Normally I only watch the online service as after rising up at dawn and lecturing for three hours my energy is spent and I can’t sit for another hour plus at Chapel. But as I shall be leaving in a few weeks’ time I shall try to make it in the Thursday service just to say good bye to students and colleagues. I have mixed feelings but it is good I an leaving just after one year as there is little time to be attached to anyone or anything on Campus.

But I leave with a willing heart and ready for the mission work the Lord has prepared for me. Last July ten months ago the Lord already spoke to me via Proverbs 24 LXX that I should prepare my work for departure and be ready for the field. I can’t help but to say the Lord’s leading is as mysterious as it comes as whether it is two days or a month or a year or longer but when the cloud is lifted then the Israelites pack up camp and set off to their new destination as the Lord leads.

 If only two days are also counted it would be my 25 or 26th time moving house when I sold my law firm and departed to New Zealand to do Greek and pursue theological education. But God is good and He knows best for me and as the servant and doulos of Jesus Christ I cannot do anything else but to obey. 

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