Friday, May 31, 2024

Moving House (3)

I do not know whether I am making any good progress. I think I have moved out half my books from my office, about 10 boxes in all. Soon I may give myself this title “scholar on the move” because I lost count of the number of times that I had to carry my books from one place to another. More than 4 years ago I went to Singapore in the midst of an epidemic to collect my 300 books. Surely now I will buy less books and I resisted the temptation of going into a bookstore in Singapore last Monday as my luggage was already overweight.

Now I have used up 4 days and I will clear up within 10 days after I return from Sandakan. It happens that today marks exactly one year I serve in STS as I started on 1st June 2023. One year passes by like a breeze. So little gained as only one essay of 7,000 words was written during the semester break last year and I have written triple of that for my new book since my lectures ended 2 weeks ago. 

Now I can see that perhaps by the end of July the first draft will be ready and I hope I can get two proof readers and by the end of August I can get the final manuscript to the publishers. Shipping from KL to KK takes about one month and I pray that sometime in October my new book will be in my hands as I have two speaking engagements early November to launch the sales.

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