Saturday, June 1, 2024

Moving House (4)

I thought I was going to rest today but I needed to keep up the momentum of moving house. It was morning exercise once more carry four boxes of my books from the Seminary to my home. On my way I stopped by for a drink to replenish my energy. In less than 6 days I shall be going for my school reunion and am glad more than half of books are back home and after my Sandakan trip it will be more household items to bring home. I may even do a garage sale like I did in Auckland when notified of my appointment less than three weeks before the start.

I sold my car and all my stuff within a week and another week of packing our stuff before heading home to Sabah. It was 30 years ago and I am still moving from one place to another for I look for the city that God builds not built by man. My current place of ministry has some of the most beautiful buildings in Malaysia but like all things in this world they are built by men with bricks and mortar and not by the Spirit of God. I may just have one last farewell in 10 days’ time. I hope to meet up with a couple of friends from far and update them of the latest happenings. When I saw them last I was just a one book wonder but now I am a writer of multiple books, all in less than 5 years.

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