Monday, June 10, 2024

School Reunion in Sandakan

Our reunion ended two days ago on Saturday night and we had a time of our lives in the town of my birth. On Saturday I met my best friend in St Mary’s Primary and Sec school. I sat in his Mercedes Benz. I told him in the past fortnight I sat in two Mercedes Benzes, first with a pastor in KL who took me to Sepang in his Mercedes and on Saturday I spent more two hours with my good friend whom I had not met for nearly 40 years. We conversed like old buddies as if we never separated.

He is the chairman of the tourism committee in Sandakan and he did the heritage trail that now many visitors in Sandakan town. I particularly enjoyed our time at Agnes Keith an American married to the British governor. She wrote several books on Borneo which I read many years ago and will read again after spending half an hour touring her house in Sandakan. 

One amazing thing about our reunion was that before our 5 meals together we prayed before meals. Most of our friends are not even Christians as our former Principal noted in his final speech our class of 1980 is the only one that boasts 4 pastors. The top student who beat me into second place is the senior pastor of Calvary Charismatic Church and I am an itinerant pastor or pastor at large. Everywhere I go in Sabah people call me pastor. I always think that God must be saying something that even our non believers classmates acknowledged - God chose the best He chose the top students to be His servants and because of that despite our small numbers we influence the whole class for good and for God’s glory as we give thanks in Jesus’ Name for God’s glory during all our meals together.

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