Thursday, June 27, 2024

Back Home

Last night I spent my first night at home having moved out of my College's apartment that I had stayed for exactly one year from the third week of June 2023. It was a pleasant experience for there is nothing like home. I don't have to think of travelling back and forth from home to the College's apartment anymore, though in the past year, at most I spent one night at home in two or three weeks as I was fully occupied at College. Even now during the final days of my 28-day annual leave I had not set foot in the College's library which I thought I would do to check on some references on my future commentary on John's Gospel (13-21).

I may have to fly to Singapore at the end of the year or early next year to do some research after I finish with my semi-biography "Anak Panah" in Malay which I hope to finish by September and publish this November in time for my 30th anniversary in full-time ministry in Christ Jesus. I have no plans to hold any functions, though as 1st December 2024 falls on a Sunday, so I may ask the church pastor or elder to pray for me on that day. A few of my former students already reactivated our reunion group formed 5 years ago to celebrate my 25th anniversary for which I published "Departure Points". "Lord have mercy on me and may Your work be strong through Your servant". So in the next week or so, I will need to re-arrange all my things and books back home and settle down for some serious writing after that.  

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