Wednesday, July 3, 2024

God fills all in all

I have been back home for a whole week now. I handed the keys to my College's apartment last Friday and drove out of STS at 11.25am. I left three days earlier before my contract ended. After 2 weeks of moving house, my whole body was sore from neck to feet and I rested for three days. I went to worship on Sunday and the pastor's wife and the pastor himself invited me to sit in front. I have known the pastor for almost 3 decades and it was good to chat with him a bit before and after service.

The worship song was powerful and I shed some tears. I hope the tambourine dancer right in front of me was not put off by my emotional response to God's love. God showed me that He filled the whole universe and that He is creator of all things and nothing is impossible with Him and that I should trust solely in Him. The train of his robe filled the whole temple, not just the church but the whole universe for He fills all in all and everything exists to praise Him and give Him glory. 

I did not write much the whole week but chose the photos that I wanted to put into my book. It will be my memoirs in Malay celebrating my 60th year on this earth and 30th year in full-time ministry which is a significant landmark. There is nothing I want to do except to serve the living God for He deserves our all for He is a great king over the whole earth. I hope to start writing before too long and I shall press on to finish the book which likely to be 180 pages long with 20 pages of photos.

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