Monday, July 8, 2024

I preached on Sunday

Yesterday I preached the Sunday in one of the biggest churches  in Kota Kinabalu, bahasa section. It was a bit hard going at the start as worship was up to the usual standard. I hope it is not that the young men watched Euro until 5 am in the morning. The topic given was not easy about giving money. It is difficult in the best of circumstances and in not so good economic times it is doubly hard to preach the message.

After listening to it again this morning I felt I pitched it right without manipulation or forcing some texts to support the topic of giving. It is knowing the love of God and the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and responding. 

Some church members knew me only a little and some have known me for 20 or 30 years so I could connect with many of them. After sharing about how I joined SIB in 1989 after returning from NZ one person thought I came from NZ or born there. I told him I was born again in NZ and studied there for my first degree before returning to Sabah, the land of my birth. I gave some searching testimonies how for 14 years I was on a surviving mode with less than 3 months’ salary of savings in my account. I shared how for 18 months before I joined STS which I left last month I had nothing but every week I still gave to the poor. Once or twice I wept until I had to lock myself in my car because the love of God poured into my heart as I felt the suffering of the poor. The poor may not know when their next meal will come but most of the church members would have at least one or two years’ savings and we do not fear for tomorrow or next day. 

In the evening I attended a wedding reception and I went early as I was given the honour to say the opening and meal prayers. For about an hour I sat at the table where our vice President also sat and he told that he heard I was preaching in town today and we had sweet fellowship.

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