Thursday, July 25, 2024

“Teach us to number our days”

I spent the last day of my 59 years of life on this earth with a visit to my mother. I would love to take her out for lunch tomorrow but she is increasingly weak and with my weak knees I can’t carry her or move her into her wheelchair. My younger brothers are doing a lot better than their eldest brother in the family. I received a book which I ordered 10 days ago without expecting it to reach me so soon from UK.

I have not ordered any book from overseas for a year or two now because it is just too expensive. Eight pounds plus nine pounds in postage works out to be exactly RM100.00. But I take it as a present to myself on an auspicious occasion. 

I think a friend might be surprised that I sent him an e-card with dragon theme though I made sure it is a lot smaller than the lion (Lion of Judah). Dragon may be seen as representing the devil in Revelation but I won’t be too quick to lump all Scripture into one as John could also say as the bronze serpent is lifted up in the wilderness so shall the Son of Man be lifted up. So here Jesus is represented by a bronze serpent that heals whomever who looks to Him, Jesus the Christ. 

I spent a couple of hours reading the book on Austin Farrer with the subtitle Warden Scholar and Preacher. I know I am the latter with preaching even in the worst of times during the pandemic and just after the SOP was lifted when many churches still feared the plague but I preached every month from May 2022 to April 2023 until I went to NZ to visit my son for two weeks in May of last year.

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