Monday, July 22, 2024

July, the month of Leo

Yesterday it was full moon for the month of July although I did not witness it, and today marks the beginning of the month of Leo. In a few days, by God's grace I would pass a significant milestone. I looked back to last year and I attended a special memoriam hearing in the High Court at Kota Kinabalu. I was shaken to know that more than 30 lawyers passed away in the past 4 years (late 2019 to August 2023). It was unbelievable and a few must have died due to Covid-19 infection. My two former bosses also passed away. One of them made a mark in legal history as he prevented a power grab in 1986 when PBS won a majority but the loser was almost sworn in if not for the insistence of my former boss as the State Attorney General that the winner of the majority seats must be appointed as Chief Minister. If it was just this one act, he would be remembered for good. I was also surprised that the lawyer who took over my law firm also passed away. He was about the same age as me, though he was admitted a couple of years later.

So when I reflected on the transience of this life and the many struggles that come with it, it is a blessedness that I feel that I am almost nearing 6 decades of my life by God's grace. I have invited a few friends to mark the occasion. The people I invited like what Jesus said in Luke's Gospel "to invite those who could not invite you back then you have your reward in heaven". Most of the friends who will celebrate my birthday are ordinary people, though they are pastors in the mix and a few old friends way back in 1988 when I first got back from NZ after gaining my law degree. It happened that I am a Leo born in the year of the dragon. But in Christ we are new creation. However, leadership quality is not something to be trifled over as it is God-given and God-ordained. Even during our School reunion last June in Sandakan a few of my classmates from Primary school remembered me as a leader. Yet for almost 30 years I have submitted to men, some worthy and some unworthy but it is to God our submission and reverent service.

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