Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Preaching Again this Sunday

Last Sunday was not expected but two Sundays ago, the pastor asked me to take his place to preach last Sunday which I duly obliged. Again, many church members came up to thank me despite being a really tough sermon on giving and that our righteousness should exceed that of the Pharisees' and giving our all to the Lord who has first loved us by sending His Son Jesus Christ to be the expiation of our sins. This Sunday I shall be preaching again and this is scheduled as I was invited about 2 months ago, though I did not know whether it was really confirmed until yesterday when the chairman of the church council called for a coffee fellowship.

For Sunday I shall be sharing about my testimony how the Lord led me to leave Singapore to return to Sabah 10 years ago. It is 10 years ago I gave up my comfortable life in Singapore to return to the land of my birth without an appointment and knowing that only sufferings would follow me. Just like Paul even when he was warned not to go up to Jerusalem, but he went nevertheless because he was prepared to suffer and give up his life for the Lord. Human schemes and planning all will fail if we do not sincerely seek to do His will, and obeying His leading in our lives. 

Further, I could be equally comfortable with a large apartment at a local seminary if I chose to keep my mouth shut and not speak out. I am too old for that, for compromises and God's eyes are too pure to behold iniquity. In fact, in the past 10 days I experienced overwhelming peace and joy having left my former Seminary and returned to my home. Again, it is a walk by faith and not by sight, and the earliest for my next appointment could be next year, God willing.

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