Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Last Legs

My legs are still holding up. I have been carrying many boxes of books and stuff. Almost 20 boxes on my last count to pack my stuff back home from my College's residence. Soon it won't be my College but former College. It is also the shortest time I have served anywhere unless I count my one-year stay in Melangkap in the beginning of my "career" in Christ as a lecturer in an interior Bible College before being elected Treasurer-General. It comes a full circle. Even my short pastorate in Ranau was one year and three months before I concentrated full-time to serve at the SIB College in Namaus, about 20 mins from Ranau town.

I carried a couple more boxes into the back of my car this morning while since yesterday, I began marking the last few essays and then the three Greek exams scripts. After that I could empty my office which should take a couple of hours at the most. Next week which is the final week I will focus on moving my personal belongings from my apartment back to my home. Perhaps I should have listened to my good friend in New Zealand more than year ago (May 2023) who said, "Tony, you will be living out of a suitcase". I wished I did just that to avoid accumulating too many stuff and packing them up again and moving to another location. The Israelites moved a total of 43 times with their tents, and personal belongings. It could not have been easy, all those 40 years in the wilderness in harsh conditions. It is as if God meant it that way for us in the world, that we should never get too comfortable either with riches or possessions, because we are on a journey, and those who are on a journey best travel light.

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