Sunday, June 23, 2024

24 Hours

There was a show called "24 hours" which I enjoyed some years ago. It showed how the drama unfolds within 24 hours. I face a similar situation and I hope I can move all my things out by 12 noon tomorrow. It was already delayed by one whole week due to some unforseen circumstances. There are many small bits and pieces lying around in the house. I have a 27inch monitor hooked up to a M1 Mac mini which I bought 4 years ago and that is my main desktop computer which I will remove from my office once the grades are submitted early tomorrow morning.

I hope to clear out by 12 noon and the only thing I might do is to use the library for my writing since for almost 13 months I did not have a single day off to write which went against the reason why I joined the Seminary in the first place. My conscience is clear. It is just that many people cannot see though it is put right in front of their eyes. My first meeting before any commitment from either side was to lay before the Seminary's leadership all of my five books (now it is six) and asked that the Seminary purchased my book on Revelation read worldwide by scholars and held by 300 librabries around the world but not so in Sabah. The Scripture cannot be broken…it is the hardness of your hearts that God allowed some things but it is not His perfect will. May God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven. 

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