Monday, June 24, 2024

Moving House (Final)

The past has to be let go before we can fully enjoy the present and lay in store what the future holds. I am now in the final phase of my moving out when my wife and I cleared out everything yesterday except the microwave which I will take in my final trip home in the next few days. I need to use the library for a few days to justify my 12-month sojourn in STS without writing anything except an essay during my last year’s Semester break. Both my Song of Songs’ and Galatians commentary reprint have recovered their costs and I sold half of Tuhan Tritunggal for which I had printed 500 copies. The next few months I might just go outstation to sell my books among the churches.

Moving house is a spiritual experience. It makes one think of life’s contingencies and its transient nature. We move from one place to another because we do not have a fixed abode on earth. Yet by God’s grace, many still wonder how I own my own home and those with ears to listen I will tell them I did not pay a single cent. By that I meant the house was bought with my brother’s money and a bank loan and my savings in Singapore (hardly a sweat compared to my Sabah’s ministry) had mainly paid for it all. The little CPF over two years and a share of my father’s inheritance had paid off my house just as I turned 54 years old, a long six years ago. God is amazing and He still does miracles today with His grace on top of grace I experienced daily. What an amazing God! 

Moving house is also a physical exercise when one carries most things. I told my wife I will not take so many things to another place ever again and if I should move again it will be only in two bags and a couple of Bibles. My books will remain my house, God’s inheritance for me and they will stay there until I am no more on earth.

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