Monday, June 3, 2024

Moving House (5)

This is my second last trip back home with my books and with one more trip all my books will be back home to where they belong. It is only 13kms from the Seminary to my house but it is carrying the boxes of books that is my burden literally and metaphorically. How did I collect so many books? I just realized I sold more than half of 500 copies of Tuhan Tritunggal printed and it is special when a church member told me yesterday that he was really blessed by my books. As the music was loud I could not carry on a conversation even if I had wanted to. It is incredible this moving house business and I don’t fancy doing that past 60 years old. Per chance it will be my last time, God willing for He knows our frame and our frailty. Here am I Lord. Send me.

One fellow pastor texted me, in fact some are wondering why it is taking so long for my appointment to come through. Well it is out of my hands and every time I asked they replied “we are trying our best”. When I see churches half empty and when you have a pastor available to fill seats (three former churches I pastored were full to capacity), it is difficult to accept the current state of affairs like Jesus said “My sheep are weary and haggard for lack of a shepherd” (Matthew 9). It is not just a church worker standing at the door or preaching nice sermons but it is about pastors leading the sheep of the Lord to green pastures and to the fulfilment of their destiny in Christ.

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