Wednesday, June 19, 2024

10 Days

I spent exactly 14 days in New Zealand before returning to Sabah at the end of May 2023. I spent the time with my son who was working at home (started the day I arrived until I left - how convenient by God's grace). I thought I needed to spend some time with him before he embarked on his wedding planned at the end of 2023. Everything went according to plan, and as a dad I had done my duty, so my good friend noted in Singapore now that my son is independent and working in Auckland and supporting a wife as well who should find work after she gets her driver's licence. And now I have 10 days left in my apartment and I do not want to leave on the last day, giving a few days' breathing space. By this Friday I should finish marking my papers.

In fact, I planned to have them done last Friday but something unforeseen happened. That's why good planning always leave some time to adjust against any untoward or unplanned incident propping up at the last minute. So ten more days, I will be back to my house and home for good. I have the penchant of settling where the Lord leads. If you ask me today where my home is, I will have to say STS as my work is not fully done here and until that happens in the next week or so, I will stay put where I am until all is done and completed. 

I have two big bags loaded at the back of my car and in a day or two, it may increase to four or five bags of my personal belongings. I have somewhat stopped writing my book since my trip to Sandakan. Once the momentum is stopped it is hard to get going but I fear not as when I am resettled at home and now that a new MCD is opened 2 kms from my home, there will be plenty of time to get back to writing. I wanted to write a good book, in fact a great book. I need the inspiration of the Lord to do that and it is not human wisdom but the Lord's Spirit guiding my fingers as I type onto a computer like what I am doing now.

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