Friday, June 21, 2024

3 More Times

I have kept to my side of the bargain. I told myself that I would not take more than 2 weeks to move all my belongings from my College's apartment back home. I have made the 11th trip today, with help from a couple of old friends, removed my heavy washing machine back home. It took several hours with sweet fellowship in between. We started with a drinks' break before ending for lunch. Yet without my friends' help I might have just left the machine there as it is too heavy for me and wife to carry even for 50 feet from the house to the lift and onto the car or truck. I am reminded that in this life we need friends. In fact, for this friend, he texted me about 2 weeks ago about visiting me and offered to help me. And it happened today, by God's grace.

Only God will reward his kindness just like what I experienced in Singapore with another good friend ready to help me with luggage, running errands, receiving and sending me off at Changi Airport all in about fours with sweet fellowship like today. My Sabah's friend had recently retired and I know him when he first started work a few years before we met 36 years ago. He told me that it was my sermon in the first cell group he attended that converted him when he felt a peace he never felt before when he put his trust in Jesus Christ. I don't remember much except leading a cell group for 2 full years before I took a break in 1991 before going for theological education in early 1993. I have been with him and his family, seeing his first born and he told me how I had helped them, both with my time driving them to places and money. I don't remember all these at all, but people tend to remember when you acted in love, not just words but deeds. 

I have three more times to move my things out. I have one final set of exams to mark, only three papers for my Greek 3. Then, it is truly over as far as official duties are concerned. Already it is one week later than planned, but submission of grades normally takes places first week of July before the start of the new academic Semester. By then I am gone, swept up by the wind, blown to where the Lord wills.

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