Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The Last Good-byes

I thought three weeks ago, the faculty photo would be my last photo before I leave this place for good. But today there was a group of visitors and I joined them for lunch entering in the hall a few minutes before the event ended. As we walked out of the auditorium after taking a photo with the visiting Seminarians (35 or 36 Professors from PUTS), I happened to walk beside one Professor and with my usual cheerful self, I introduced myself and we chatted as we walked for lunch. I was told that his PhD was from a German University and his thesis is published in German. I thought I should give him a couple of books since the only OT commentary in English that I wrote is in the Song of Solomon so I gave him a copy of that and also Departure Points.

Strangely, the zip of my bag malfunctioned and I had to return to my office to unzip it and gave him copies of the two books when he approached me again during lunch. Clearly he was keen to get what I said I would give him. I wanted to ask whether the lady professor who visited my former College in Ranau was among the group of visitors. But I could not see her in the midst of the crowd. She sent me a note in a box containing a prophecy in 2018 which upon fulfilment I will surely invite her to visit Sabah to celebrate God's work in Borneo. 

During lunch I spoke with two colleagues. One was resigning after 25 years and another Korean professor who was the only one who asked me several months ago whether I had received an appointment from my church leaders. Upon hearing that I have not been appointed yet to any position, he said why don't you consider Sarawak or West Malaysia? Surely I would do that but I told my colleagues I am not in a hurry because I wanted to write not just a book but two books. So if after writing two books, I would pray for God's leading in my life. I told them that my denomination is my family. Not the name but that it represents the people to whom I have ministered and to whom I am still ministering. The power of God's Word was evident last Sunday or else the chairman would not stand up immediately after my sermon and said in front of everyone that the church was inviting me back to be the speaker for their 42nd anniversary celebration. God willing, I shall be there as I might take the opportunity to visit my grandniece who was born a month ago, whose mother's wedding (my niece) I attended at the end of 2022.

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