Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Done with Moving?

I have come to a stage of my life that I think I will stay put unless God tells me otherwise. I have tried to follow the Lord wherever He had gone and led me to various places and ministry. In all, I have made 17 or 18 major moves and if one adds the one or two week in transit or flat searching, it would be at least 27 or 28 times in total, not counting those stopovers less than a few days in hotels, airports and motels. Even in Ranau I moved 5 times, from KK to Ranau (31st Dec 2014), from Ranau to Namaus (1st April 2016), from Namaus to KK (28th June 2016), from KK to Namaus (16th August 2016) and from Namaus back to KK for the last time on 31st January 2019 after completing an intensive course as I resigned from my ministry in the Namaus' Bible College.

I thought I might stay long in STS (I said to myself it would be just a year or 10 years and the former proved to be true). I moved many things to the College's apartment just 13 kms from my own house in Kota Kinabalu. But in less than 5 months in October of last year, I already tendered my resignation and was prepared once more to move back to my house for the past 8 months while I served out my contract there. 

It's been a journey with the Lord as some 30 years ago (Jan 1995) the Lord appeared to me in a vision at Melangkap's SIB Bible College and told me that "I am in Sabah" making me to turn down the Auckland University Masters Scholarship and remained in Sabah in obedience to the Lord. I know my election as Treasurer-General at the end of that year (Nov 1995) was God's will for He meant that I served in Pusat SIB as Treasurer and travelled to about 70 villages and preached 300 times in 28 districts of SIB (at that time SIB had 34 districts) which I had since covered, though more than 7 new Districts have been formed in recent years. My love for the indigenous peoples of Sabah came in my first four years as pastor in full-time service to the Lord.

"Lord, am I done with moving?" I am entering my senior years (past 60 yo) and the last time I preached I told the congregation that although a couple of people offered to help me move my stuff from STS last June, but at the end it was my contemporary (he is also 60) and he came with his son who was strong and we lifted my washing machine into the back of his truck and here we go again, moving by the Lord's leading for the umpteenth time.

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