Saturday, September 7, 2024

Spoken too Soon

Sometimes the Lord tests us whether we love Him and whether we will obey Him. In less than 48 hours since my last blogpost which I thought I might not move to another place again, I was struck yesterday that I might have to move again all too soon. This time it will be a big move, if it happens. If it does not, I resign to the fact that I shall dwell where I am until the end of days, though one never can plan too much into the future. When my wife asks me and told me that I would spend a lot of money again if I make this big move, I told her, "I am dead to the world" quoting Paul. A man who has no attachments including his own life is a powerful man.

Because then he is truly free; free to preach the truth, free to speak up and not keep silent. If I chose to keep quiet like so many others, I would have been in a comfortable job, no worries for finances and I can close one eye or even both eyes to lecture and that will be too impressive to most. But am I to settle on my lees? Am I to become a compromiser, or worse a coward ever thinking of his rice bowl and looking after self-interests but not that of Jesus Christ? 

There is surely a day of reckoning where the secrets of our hearts are revealed. Whether we truly love God, truly free to serve Him or pretending to bear His name but inwardly we are hypocrites and liars and flatterers for the sake of our bellies. And we become enemies of the cross of Christ. When I told my wife I have to sell a car if I make this big move, again she was distressed. But I told her, don't forget that Christ owned nothing in this world. His only garment was taken from him and divided among the soldiers who crucified Him. Do we proclaim a crucified Christ or a genteel meek and mild, not wanting to offend men, we became offenders of God and His righteousness. 

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