Friday, September 20, 2024

Eventful Week (The Year 1992)

I sat at a table surrounded by three of the top leaders who cast their die on my future. I did not plan to sit with them, but the youth leader brought me into a room for invited guests and VVIP and I was seated at the table with the guest preacher for our annual Youth Conference attended by 3,200 paid participants and at night the numbers swelled into 5,000 people filling the biggest hall at the Sabah International Convention Centre. In fact, I wanted to sit at the back and several times as I was walking about the Hall I asked those seated whether the empty seats were available. The participants looked really young and I told my wife that soon they will look not like my children but my grand children.

When I told an usher that I was a pastor, they took me to the chairs reserved for pastors about four or five rows from the front row. I did not want to greet anyone, but one leader walked past me into the seats next to me and he held out his hand, and we shook hands. And the speaker for the night, a local pastor serving in KL, testified and his testimony touched my heart. 

I had known him for 28 years but I did not know he was there at the Youth Conference in 1992 when he committed his life to the Lord and entered bible School the following year. He was only a teenager and he went to the front being prayed by the preacher who challenged those who God called to come forward. I was seated right at the corner upstairs in 1992 at the same Youth Conference but I did not go up to be prayed for as I had determined a few months before hand I would give up my law practise and go for theological study in preparation for full-time ministry. I was 28 years old then.

My good friend went to the SIB Bible College which at that time only offered a certificate in theology over 4 years and he had done very well since, being a regular speaker at the annual Youth Conference. But as for me, everything is still up in the air. I could go anywhere. In fact, I have two of my luggage packed with winter clothes. If I go to NZ this time it won't be just for a couple of weeks like last year but half a year at least until winter in June. I might stay on for a whole year, God willing. I am still praying and two days ago, an invitation which came five months ago that I thought fell through came up suddenly and they asked for 7 things about my qualifications and publications like in a CV. I might as well apply for a job I thought to myself. But alas many are the plans of man, but the Lord's purpose would prevail.

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