Tuesday, September 10, 2024

I've been published since 2005

Thomas Sowell when asked the year he started writing, he replied, "I've been published since 1960" which was his 30th birthday and since then he had published about 45 books. I've been published since 2005 has quite a ring to it and I almost thought I was going to be one book wonder until 2019 when I started writing seriously and now have published 5 more books, three in English and three in Malay. But that's minuscule compared to what Dr Sowell had done and he was a research fellow at Hoover Institution, Stanford University where all he does is research and write with no office hours and no teaching obligations.

I left my former Seminary's position because they made me sign a contract that say I had to teach four courses in one Semester and in my one year there I taught 7 courses with hardly anytime to catch my breath let alone do research. Preparation of lectures, lecturing and marking papers took all my time. It was not a healthy life style especially teaching courses at night for three hours, two nights a week and two more day courses. I am not a newbie or 44 years old like the time I taught in Singapore and I was only given two courses over a Semester when I started at Trinity Theological College.

So now with all the time in my hands, I have written about 65,000 words on my memoirs in Malay in the past 3 months but it might not be published until a few years' time. In the remainder of the year I will try to finish off the second volume of my commentary on John's Gospel from chs. 13-21. The first volume has sold about 900 copies since it was published in Feb 2020. And I have not gone to Sarawak or Indonesia to promote my books where there is a huge market. If I can get the commentary done by year's end that would be quite an achievement and I plan to start writing on the book of Revelation early next year in both languages, Malay which I expect to complete in 2026 and in English a year or two after that. Next year is the 20th anniversary of my first publication which still takes a pride of place since after almost 20 years, more and more people around the world now correspond with me on things of the End-time in Revelation.

So there is still a lot of work and perhaps a book on Ecclesiastes in 2028 that I have been planning for quite a while now. That would be take me to grand ripe age of 65 if I can get all these done by 2029 and as King Solomon has spoken, "the making of many books is a weariness of the flesh and it is also vanity, chasing after the wind." I am not going for a professorship or tenure as I am way past that and I am out of the system entirely. These books are for the benefit of God-loving people and the Malay books are written for the indigenous peoples of Borneo most of whom have very little grasp of English, which is sad.

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