Friday, February 13, 2015

It's Friday

Gosh it's Friday. This week has been like bullet train travelling at speed, from one Sunday to the next. After leading prayers on Tuesday, I preached for 35 mins on Numbers 12 on Wednesday and last night attended men's fellowship after teaching 3 hours in the morning. Tonight I will be speaking at a home group on "potensi ilahi" (divine potential). On Tuesday, I confessed that I was hovering between health and sickness, the cold of Ranau is still a menace though initially I welcomed it as a reprieve from hot KK. Yesterday was a glorious day, sunshine from dawn to dusk but overnight temperatures fell to 18 degrees. I wonder how I can ever survive New Zealand winters, even spring like weather in Ranau is a bane to me. I need to look after my body and diet a bit more, perhaps multivitamins and more rest and exercise will help to strengthen my rather weak constitution. I have been reading through Robert Alter's "the Five books of Moses" and if you can get a hand on a copy you won't regret it. Even the English is first rate, not just the explication of the Hebrew text. It is a joy to read through. Who says Leviticus is boring?

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