Thursday, December 10, 2020

Cost of Self-Publishing

I had spent a small fortune publishing my three books within a year. I hardly recovered 25percent of what I spent before forking out another sum of money. I am in a money losing business; God’s economy is different from the world. I am here to be a blessing through my writing ministry, not only a non-profit enterprise but making a loss. But I have been heartily encouraged from the feedback (not requested) from general readers.

The moderator of the end time forum a fortnight ago bought two of my books and asked me to autograph Departure Points, which she bought 6 months ago. And last week I sold three books, two on John’s Gospel and a copy of Departure Points. My semi-biography or memoirs amounted to 95,000 words, the length of a doctoral thesis, but my newest book has only 33,000 words, the length of a Masters thesis. Anyhow, it is packed with wonderful exegesis of the symbolism of the Song of Songs. One scholar said, “it takes a poet to know a poet”. If I had not composed many songs myself, I doubt I had the courage to commentate on the Song of Solomon. God’s grace and gift of knowledge is incredible, for to Him and in him are all treasures of knowledge and wisdom. I intend to enlighten and to inspire and my writing ministry has just taken off. 

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