Sunday, January 2, 2022

The Year 2022

This will be a year of reckoning. A year the world might see victory over the Covid-19 pandemic through medication in pills and tablets. A year where safer vaccines are developed. A year when we see light at the end of the tunnel going into 2023. The year 2022 is also beautiful in form as it has all the "twos" (2). Today is the 2nd day of the New Year '22. Lunar New Year falls on the 2nd month of 2022 on 1st February. We get two bites of the cherry if you are late in making NY resolutions, you have another month before the Lunar New Year to do so.

My NY resolution is simply staying at home while travelling within the State from time to time. I will write books, God willing. The 2nd volume of the commentary on John's Gospel from chs.13-21 still awaits the first words. I am waiting for that spark to start writing. My short commentary on the Song of Solomon is about to see the end of revision and editing. I am reading for one last time before I mail it to a friend for formatting as an e-book. My NY resolution is to read more of the Hebrew and Greek texts. And I will start recording chapters or verses that I read throughout each day. This morning I read Psalm 37 and Isaiah 32 and I am reading Phil 3-4 again meditatively. 

The number 2 is a number of unity. As Ecclesiastes says, "two is better than one". How can one warm himself without a partner? Two is company and a three-fold cord is not easily broken. There is strength in unity. One chases a thousand but two ten thousand (Deut 32:30). This is a year for unity. A unity within the family. A Unity within the church. But it will take divine intervention - "until the Spirit is poured on from on high, then the wilderness will be turned into a garden" (Isaiah 32). Yet many do not realise that a vast portion of the church is in the state of spiritual wilderness. The devil has deceived many people and lulled them into complacency thinking all things are fine. The religious establishment defends its legitimacy and authority but without God's favour and God's power, it is empty talk and the church is a shell of its former self, meant to be a bride, glorious within, washed by the water of His Word, prepared for the bridegroom. But alas, it has become like a filthy rag and it is only through true repentance, washed by the blood of Jesus, it will return and be restored once more. 

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