Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Fruits of the Land

Whenever I conduct End-time or Revelation seminars, I would pose the question that if we should live in the last days of the Great Tribulation before Jesus returns, how will we survive? I tell my audience that we should live off the land and for most Singaporeans that would prove extremely difficult because there is no land. Singapore imports more than 95% of their daily food from neighbouring countries.. But I come from a land called the The Land below the Wind, 100 times bigger than Singapore. I grew up in my father's house surrounded by mango trees in the front and at the back. Now in my little plot of land at the backyard I have a few mango trees and I have been eating mangoes for 5 years since the trees were mature enough to bear fruits.
My wife and I have enjoyed the fruits of the land. And every time I see mangoes or rambutans or bananas about to ripen, I ask myself - Does my life also produce fruits for the Father's glory?
Do many people eat from the fruits of my ministry? At least I know, by the grace of the Lord, from Australia to America, from East Asia to Europe, and many countries of South East Asia read my blog and I trust they are blessed by the fruits of my blogging even as I seek to fulfill God's command to his angel flying in mid-air (via social media), preaching the eternal Gospel to all nations in the world (Rev 14:6-7).

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