Saturday, June 3, 2017

Sweet & Bitter

"And I took the little scroll from the hand of the angel and ate it. It was sweet as honey in my mouth, but when I had eaten it my stomach was made bitter." (Rev 10:11). The English expression perhaps follows the angelic command which has the bitter first then sweet, thus the saying "bitter sweet". But my experience followed John's experience of sweetness then bitter. I had this wonderful experience this morning of completing my sermon for tomorrow's service, Pentecost Sunday. I read many passages in the OT about Pentecost or the Feast of Weeks and also about the early and latter rain. It was sweet in my mouth and in my heart for the revelation of the Word of God produces sweetness and great delight. But at the same time, I felt bitter in my stomach thinking whether God's people can receive the Word to be preached.  Can they take solid food or the prophetic Word as all the three major Feasts portend?
I will soon find out in the next three days. I had also completed my two sermons for the Pastors' Conference and handed to my HQ as they had requested notes to be handed out to the participants.  As I had no time to give a summary so I decided I will give my full scripts of about 4,500 words for the first sermon and 3,300 words for the second sermon. The second sermon could be just as long but since I had to rush I could not finish it in time yesterday morning. Since then I had meditated on all three sermons long and hard and struggled somewhat in prayers for the two audiences, one my home church and the other for full time workers of my denomination.  If all turn up, there will be more than 400 of us, from pastors of churches, evangelists, lecturers at Bible Colleges and 35 District Superintendents. I am praying for a full turn out, if only to listen to God's Word that will be preached over 4 sessions, two on Monday followed by my two sessions on Tuesday. This is a short Conference as usually it is held over 2 or 3 days with at least 2 evening or night revival meetings. There will be only one night meeting this time round.

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