Sunday, October 13, 2024

One after another

Even churches are like bidders in an auction. Once a bid of two is made others follow. Today I heard that there was a fourth church wanting me as the church’s pastor. It was almosr a year since I announced my impending departure from my former Seminary. For almost 8 months no one seemed to bother until last July the first church made a move followed by a second church in early August. Then last month a third church told me they wanted me to be their pastor by only in the middle of next year.

And this month I received news that a fourth church is also interested. In fact all four churches I don’t mind pastoring but like getting married one can only choose one. In fact I visited all four churches in recent months to see whether I sensed a connection with the members. Although nothing is confirmed or announced as yet, even the most eager told me they would until early November to make an announcement. But I have my plate full now with preaching next week until Christmas with only a couple of weeks off, so at least my mind would be focused in sermon preparation as one after another every sermon is different and every church is different and only God can see into the hearts of men and minister to their needs according to His will by His grace and mercy.

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