Saturday, January 4, 2025

Downward Slide

If I were to rate my three former pastorates, the first was the best followed by the second. The third was the toughest as it was during the height of the pandemic that I pastored the church and had to relinquish my duty as pastor when vaccination mandate came into force within my denomination. The fourth is just into the 2nd month and I am no longer naive or even optimistic that it would reach the height of my first and second pastorates. My first church more than doubled its membership in 5 years growing from 200 to 450 regular worshippers.

Then the second in Ranau also rose by 50% in worshippers attending two Sunday services with the first service averaging 180-250 and the second service 100-150 worshippers. The third was no less impressive given the circumstances whenever we reopened our hall was packed to overflowing with social distancing. 

Two thirds of almost all churches of all denominations closed down many throughout the duration of the pandemic for 26 months and the few that reopened could not attract a handful of worshippers including those big churches boasting 500 or 1,000 members. In the prologue of my book I wrote, “these post pandemic Covid19 times are challenging times that it will not be easy to lead and pastor God’s people” as love among people and Christians becomes cold with people becoming more self-centred, selfish, proud and cares of this world dominate their lives instead of doing God’s will.

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