Friday, February 22, 2013

A Week that Was and Is

The glow of my ministry back home in Sabah continues to shine in Singapore throughout the week. As soon as I landed late Sunday night, I was already thinking on marking the LXX Greek exercises and getting ready for my Greek 2 class on Tuesday morning. Before that I needed to submit a report on a NT essay submitted by a prospective candidate in our MTh programme in New Testament. On Wednesday I lectured on John's Gospel from chs 5-6. Yesterday morning I woke up real early and after a short devotion reading a number of Gospel passages,

I read Paul's 2nd letter to the Corinthians from the beginning to the end though I ended up at ch. 12 before lecturing on 2 Corinthians to my NT 2 class from 8:30 to 11:25am. I was held back in class for 10 minutes as a number of students talked with me about several things I mentioned in class including Paul's theology of giving in 2 Cor 8-9. I rushed to join my Family Group for a lunch outing at Mayim (Hebrew for water) at Westmall before heading back to office to read an article a student sent to me on John's Gospel, "Breaking the Betrothal Bonds: Hospitality in John 4" CBQ (2010), 63-83. This morning I attended to my emails, one of which turned to be a lengthy response whether 2 Corinthians was a composite letter as many scholars have contended. This afternoon we will be attending a Faculty colloquium on "Trinity" and I reckon it will be as lively as before. Tomorrow I will start to prepare for my sermon for this Sunday and God willing, I can take a couple of hours on Saturday to rest, knowing full well that whoever believes has already entered into rest and ceased from his own labours for it is Christ in us doing the works of God for his glory's sake. And I enjoyed some local coffee in Kota Kinabalu before my flight back to Singapore. This has been my week.

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