Saturday, February 9, 2013

The Year of the Dragon Ends

I thought I should post something about the end of the year of the dragon since it will take another 12 years before it comes round again. Not that I believe in the Chinese Zodiac but as a time marker and a cycle of life divided by 12, it is a good way to remember our age and no one is getting younger even as the Psalmist tells us to number our days and present our hearts for wisdom. The Year of the Dragon ends uneventfully for me. I shall be spending my CNY in Singapore for the 3rd time since I came here 5 years ago. The highlights of the year for me are as follows (photo in KL Oct, 2012, seminar:

1) I taught a course on the book of Revelation for 13 evenings from Jan to May 2012 for 80 students.
2) I was appointed Acting Dean of Students from July to December 2012.
3) I conducted a week-end seminar on the book of Revelation for 240 people in KL last October.
4) I spent most of the month of December 2012 with my son in New Zealand.
5) I spent a short vacation in Jakarta in May 2012 with my wife (photo in Jakarta)
6) I am teaching 23 students in my Gospel of John elective this year from Jan to May 2013.

When the next Year of the Dragon comes, I will have reached the ripe old age of 60 and I know, Lord that the next 12 years of my life will be critical in accomplishing Your work until I can say like my Lord Jesus, "Father, I have finished the work that You have given me to do" (John 17). Lord, my years are getting shorter before I go in the way of my forefathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; so cause me to do Your will and when it is done, I could say like David that "I have done Your will in my generation". 

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