Sunday, May 25, 2014

A Scholar's Leisure

I have no doubt of the manifold grace of God, giving me an inquisitive mind, a largeness of heart to examine things, in fact many things. One could think of Solomon that his wisdom is as vast as the sand of the sea and there was no topic that escaped his notice. Whether one is gifted or not is something hard to gainsaid since the fruits of wisdom and knowledge are there for all to see. The lips of the knowledgeable are a rare jewel. When one finds that treasure, it is to be treasured like one having found a costly pearl sells everything and buys the pearl. Wisdom is costly and it comes with a price as Scripture says, "Buy the truth and sell it not."
Obviously, biblical wisdom is a gift of God and it cannot be purchased for in another place it is said that, "Come to me and buy bread without cost and drink abundantly without money" and freely give as freely it is given to you. There lies the paradox of wisdom; first only those who are gifted by God, the source of all wisdom can ever be called wise but gaining wisdom is a life long process in learning, its journey commenced and reached by those who fear God for the beginning of wisdom is the fear of God and understanding is to depart from evil. Even the Son of God surely endowed with all wisdom is said to grow in wisdom in the sight of God and men. As Sirach has long opined, a scholar's leisure is what makes him wise because he has time to read and gain knowledge. In the past 3 weeks after lectures had ceased I had time to indulge in reading. Today after church I continued reading Cicero's On Obligations.

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