Wednesday, December 3, 2014

From 50 to 60

I think I am entering the next decade which will determine what kind of legacy I want to leave behind. Ten years are a short time. I can remember every decade of my life like it was yesterday. In the year 2025, I want to look back and see that I will have accomplished what I want to accomplish without regrets. In the short term, I will want to quickly establish myself as pastor of the church in Ranau. I will be moving to a new home which is exciting in itself. I was told that it is a large house and I trust the church members will find their pastor's house a place they can come and enjoy godly fellowship. Is it not an overseer's requirement to be hospitable?
In the medium term, I would want to visit and preach in the 60 or 70 villages I ministered in during 1994-1998 period. Like Paul and Barnabas, they planned to visit the churches they planted in their first missionary journey. As a result the churches were strengthened with these visits and ministry. In the longer term I would want to see more Malay materials published.

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