Sunday, October 2, 2016

Rosh Hashana

I wish all my Christian and Jewish friends a good and sweet new year, shanah tovah u'metukah. This sunset welcomes the Jewish New Year mentioned in Leviticus 23 and Numbers 29. I spoke about it last Friday in Chapel and sang one of my Jerusalem songs in honour of the late Shimon Peres, the former Israeli President and Prime Minister who was given a state burial in Jerusalem last Friday.
Indirectly I chastised the College community for forgetting the Bible and its Jewish roots. Fancy many Bible Colleges in the world and how little students know about the Bible especially the Christian Old Testament. Fancy calling ourselves biblically grounded and biblically literate yet not knowing the three major Feasts of Israel. How one understands John's Gospel without a solid background of the feasts is beyond me. Straightaway I taught for 3 full hours last Friday starting with the Jewish calendar and the Feasts before looking into the book of Zechariah which ends with the celebration of the Feasts of Booths or sukkot (tabernacles).

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