Friday, July 20, 2018

I shall go in the way of no Return (Job 16:22)

The Lord can speak to us in the unlikeliest of places. For instance, in Job 16:22 "and when a few years are gone, I shall go in the way of no return". That perfectly sums up my situation at present. The few years alloted to me at College are about to be gone and I shall not return there for the forseeable future, at least not as a lecturer or even visiting lecturer. A few verses before that Job laments that even his friends scorned him (16:20), perhaps avoided him, refused to contact him, or perhaps in today's HP lingo, Job is blocked😔. Perhaps too there is a time for everthing - time to be friends; time to be alone and time to be scorned and forsaken by friends.
But the counting down of months and weeks do not come easy. The sense of alienation and non-involvement are palpable. I have always given my all in everything I do and when I feel my struggles are over, there where the heartache lies - I am no longer involved perhaps intentionally and unintentionally I separate myself from the community events though not entirely as I am intent in fulfilling all my duties as Chaplain which is an everyday job as we have prayers and services almost every day except on alternate Wednesdays. Then as Warden I lead the students with families monthly meeting with a shared meal and worship and Word. The first of three meetings for this Semester comes this Sunday night and this Sunday morning I shall be leading my home group to visit a historic SIB church in Ranau district. Today as I taught Romans for the fifth hour on two consecutive days, I realized my gift in exegeting Scripture - the irony of it all is that in a Bible College, a Bible exegete is the most important person but in a few moments I shall be gone and be no more.

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